Tuesday, June 5, 2007

2 more weeks

Well, 2 weeks from today I will be under the knife, so to speak. It feels really weird. I feel so well now, and I'm walking normally, the wound on my leg has finally closed completely (after more than 3 months!), and I feel as normal now as I ever have. With every step I take, I'm thinking that I only have 14 days left of this quality of life. After that, I'll never walk normally again. I'm on a mission to get things done around the house -- ceramic tile in the front porch, moving Jessie to the spare room and redoing her old room, fixing the tiles around the bathtub, getting the plumbing done at the cabin, etc, etc. I feel like I won't be able to do any of those things once I get back from Halifax. I feel like my life is on hold. I can't commit to anything in the future because I don't know how I'll be. Really weird -- that's all I can say.

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