Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What a week! But I'm okay now.

Well!!! After a gruelling week last week, I'm finally back to my old self. I started out with a persistent, uncontrollable cough that was wearing me down, and spazzing out every muscle in my body. Even my fingers ached from coughing! I went to see Marie 2 Fridays ago, and she gave me a puffer and a nasal steroid. Neither helped. Over the long weekend, I developed an infection in my leg, and found some swollen lymph nodes, and got really worried about spreading cancer cells. Went to see Dr. Pace on Tues, and he put me on antibiotics, and said the swelling was most likely from the infection. I didn't feel the infection coming on because I have no nerves left there, so by the time i did feel it, it had worked its way up my leg. By Wednesday, I was in a lot of pain from the infection, and the cough wasn't letting up. It was so severe, I would throw up from coughing -- not pretty! And for my added pleasure, I got a migraine, and was out of medication!!!! Wed. was also Julie's convocation, but I was much too sick to go, adding guilt, self-pity and depression to the mix. When Jim got home from work, he went to the drug store to get my migraine perscription. A few hours later, at least that much of my misery was put to rest! Thank God for small favours!

On Thursday, Mom and Dad dropped in with a full roasted chicken dinner. Of course, I was still in the convulsions of coughing fits, so Dad, in his usual "tactful" way, said "Ahh, what the hell is wrong with ya, girl? Go out and get a bottle of Buckley's!" I scoffed at the idea, as I normally do, but Mom, in her voice of reason, said "Sharyn, why don't you try it? It can't hurt." So Jim went out and got me a bottle of Buckley's. I took a dose after supper, and another before bed, (did the yucky dance both times -- ewww!!!) and I slept like a baby -- cough free -- until 9:30 the next morning! I'm not joking! It was like a miracle! So I stopped using the puffer and nasal steroid, and went on the Buckley's for a few days, and now my cough is gone! Go figure!!! Who'da thunk it?

Anyway, we went to the cabin on Friday, and Jim came back Sunday, but I stayed up with friends Sherry and Cal, and came down today with them. My infection is pretty much all cleared up, and the nodes are no longer swollen. I have yet another tumour just above that infamous hole in my leg (which is getting smaller all the time), but I'm not worried about tumors now -- as long as they're in the same area. That will all be history in a few weeks. Three weeks, to be exact! It can't come soon enough so I can get on to the next phase of beating this ugly beast.

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